Monday, May 5, 2008

What's Going On: News In E111

Well, the school day isn't over yet but we have done so many fun things! In math we had homework and remembering on the different methods to mulitply (method A, B, C, D, E, and F.)In writing we learned the definitions of some forms of poetry and things included in poetry. For an assignment we need to memorize 6 different short poems (6 poems=A, 4 poems=B, 2 poems=C.) In science we get to make a play, song, or rap on electricity. We will have our presentations on Friday for a grade worth 75 points. Soon we will be leaving the computer lab and planting some trees. We are going to have a FUN RUN tomorrow!. If you are participating don't forget your tennis shoes!



I made a person with a hat!

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